In the last 10 days, I have received numerous requests to speak to press outside of Timor-Leste. I am happy to speak to press here as (after a couple of days) they begin to understand. I have spoken to a couple of press guys but not in the context of an interview.
I am not saying I understand. In fact, I don’t know any expat who really understands just why things here have gone the way they have. Its insane. It is outside the logic that we normally assume in the developed western world.
I replied to the first press request with a long-winded explanation and I appreciated the response I received (thanks JN). I declined. I don’t want to have to repeat that same explanation.
I am not doing this blog for any money and I have no agendas apart from trying as hard as I can to say things as they are. I have been annoyed at times with some quite inaccurate reporting coming from the commercial press. Rather than single out anybody, I have tried to sneak in some of the reality. I am sure I have said it before but I only know what I know.
Some of the commercial press reporting is good. But some of the headlines to stories give the wrong impression. I know that even reporters stories here are cosmetically editted out of the country to obtain maximum effect.
So no, I do not want to be quoted out of context or mis-quoted. I don’t need to be the human face behind the story. I’ll just keep doing what I am doing and if it is not enough, find somewhere else.
I know its the gin talking but I must stick to my guns or what I am doing is compromised just too much.
One day, this will not be a front page story or even a page five story and I will be back to talking about just why the Beach Cafe restaurant closed. At the moment they have a really good excuse.