Well, what can you say ? News reports suggest that at least 2 people were killed in fighting near the airport. The airport is closed. Blackhawk choppers working all night Tuesday night and a lot of Wednesday – always a key indicator of trouble. Roadblocks setup near the Comorro River bridge severely impacting on movement. Attacks and threats on the Ministry of Education building in another part of town (near the UN Obrigado barracks). Continuing tense atmosphere in the vicinity of the national hospital in the east of town.
You try to piece together the details from various sources as all sorts of people hear slightly different takes on what is happening. Maybe 4 were killed. A friend at one of the medical facilities said 3 deaths occured at their workplace. A shot to the head and a couple of arrows. A lot of the day trying to transport the bodies to the main hospital and/or returning the bodies to the families. The families in a heightened state and angry. Guns carried by civilians now reported as being seen in a number of places.
And you know that after this lot, there will be the inevitable attempts to exact revenge.
This report seems to have distilled most of what I have heard from various sources here :
Today in Baucau, the Timorese army (ie F-FDTL) are holding some sort of public meeting to talk about their response to the recent UN report and may well have a response to yesterday’s events. Some of their command were referred to in the UN report. This meeting will be watched with keen interest as so far, they have kept out of the action and out of Dili.