2 thoughts on “Dili landmarks in Google Earth update

  1. Do you know if there is a published schedule for the power cuts? My guard seems to know exactly when the power will go off and come on. Another individual also mentioned his neighbor knows when it is going to come on and go off. Am I missing a radio or TV broadcast? Sure would help to know when NOT to be at home.

  2. I don’t know of any published schedules. I do know that the cuts are scheduled as they seem to occur on the hour. If I was running a power generation system and I lost a big part of that generation due to a failed generator, I would share out the cuts across town to be as fair as possible (except when given incentives to make sure power is on for my sister’s wedding).

    I suspect your guard has a brother, uncle, first cousin, mother’s brother’s wife’s cousin’s next-door neighbour etc. who works at EDTL. That is sufficient explanation for me.

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