I once lived in a group house with a guy called John and for a reason that escapes me, we engaged in curry cooking competitions where the sole aim was to outdo the opponent’s previous effort in heat. It just wouldn’t do to eat a curry without sweat falling off the end of your nose.
So I have a soft spot for this type of food. Recently, I noticed a new Indian restaurant pop up just south of the ANZ bank – the Indian Megha Restaurant. It is still undergoing some final renovations but is operating and doing Indian breakfast from 7am on the weekend. Typical main courses are $3 to $4-50 and Tiger beer is $2 a bottle and it is on my card to go soon.
There are 3 Indian/south Asian restaurants in the Tiger fuel area on Comorro Road – the Sun restaurant at the Backpackers, the Piyashi across the road and the Tandoor further west. Indian food is also available at the Bangkok Thai on the way to Christo Rei.
Is there really a reincarnation of Indian Megha that used to be near the Port? If the same guy is cooking, this is yet another reason to return to Dili!
Of course I will ask and will have an answer by the end of the week !
Yes its the same guy. Tried it tonight and it was delicious, highly recommended.