“Guide Post” by email

Edition 3 of “Guide Post” is out. For those that remember, it is the current English language community newspaper published in a form similar to the “Timor Sun”.

It contains social news, the odd re-print of news articles and press releases and lots of advertising.

But this week, I learned that :

  • “vasco da gama” restaurant has a new menu – I already knew that
  • The British Embassy has closed its doors here – I knew that too.
  • Plaza Hotel has internet in all rooms (like Hotel Dili) – also knew that one.
  • Com resort is open again.
  • The property section is getting bigger.
  • But the big one was the full page ad for US$2 per hour internet at 2 Timor Telecom (TT) outlets thus under-cutting all of the internet cafes who have no alternative but to buy bandwidth from TT.

And there is more.

It is now available by email by request to :

guidepostadvertising “”AT”” yahoo “”DOT”” com “”DOT”” au

You will then receive a PDF file of about 2 Mbytes in size so make sure you can actually receive attachments of this size before subscribing.