Jackie Chan and the frigate

If you have nothing better to do, Jackie Chan (a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador) will be “interacting with youth” at the Dili Stadium from 4:30pm today.  And if you see a naval vessel down at the docks, it is a French frigate on its annual goodwill tour of the region.

Lots of goodwill today.  I bet the best restaurant in town is parked at the Dili port.

3 thoughts on “Jackie Chan and the frigate

  1. I can confirm they have a very good restaurant. And I’ve got 5 tins of excellent French pate in my fridge now………

  2. You @#$%!@#

    I enjoyed my Mrs Macs pie (with tomato jus/sauce) for lunch thank you very much. I suppose a bottle of gin will assist in levering your fridge open ?

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